Wind Ensemble
Director: T.J. Peterman
The Wind Ensemble is the program's top performing concert band, and consists of the varsity wind and percussion musicians in the Cypress Woods HS Band. The group is typically composed of the top 10th-12th grade musicians in the fall, and adds the top 9th grade musicians in the spring pending the results of the fall audition. The Wind Ensemble meets in the fall and spring semesters and performs at the Winter Concert, Pre-UIL Contest, UIL Contest, and Spring Concert. This group also performs in venues such as the Visual and Performing Arts Center in Cypress-Fairbanks ISD, Moores Opera House, and Round Top Festival Hall each year, and participates in the TMEA Honor Band Competition every other year; most recently named an Honor Band Finalist and placing 7th in 2022-2023. The Wind Ensemble has recently been invited to perform at the 78th Annual Midwest Clinic in December of 2024. The ensemble performs significant wind band literature, including original wind works as well as transcriptions. Membership into the Wind Ensemble is determined by audition in the fall and spring semesters through execution of region music, All-Region Band audition placement, excerpts, mastery of fundamental exercises, etc. All members of the Wind Ensemble are required to participate in the TMEA All-Region process, as well as perform at Solo and Ensemble.
Symphonic Winds
Director: Gabby Crouch
The Symphonic Winds is the program's second performing concert band, and consists of the non-varsity wind and percussion musicians in the Cypress Woods HS Band. The group is composed of students from all grade levels with great musical maturity and fundamental skill set. The Symphonic Winds meets in the fall and spring semesters and performs at the Winter Concert, Pre-UIL Contest, UIL Contest, and Spring Concert. The ensemble performs significant wind band literature, including original wind works as well as transcriptions. Membership into the Symphonic Winds is determined by audition in the fall and spring semesters through execution of region music, All-Region Band audition placement, excerpts, mastery of fundamental exercises, etc. All members of the Symphonic Winds are required to participate in the TMEA All-Region process, as well as perform at Solo and Ensemble. The Symphonic Winds was named a Citation of Excellence - National Winner in 2022.
Symphonic Band
Director: Sam Belcher
The Symphonic Band is the program's third performing concert band, and consists of the sub non-varsity (A) wind and percussion musicians in the Cypress Woods HS Band. The group is composed of students from all grade levels. The Symphonic Band meets in the fall and spring semesters and performs at the Winter Concert, Pre-UIL Contest, UIL Contest, and Spring Concert. The ensemble performs standard works of wind literature. Membership into the Symphonic Band is determined by audition in the fall and spring semesters through execution of region music, All-Region Band audition placement, excerpts, mastery of fundamental exercises, etc. All members of the Symphonic Band are required to participate in the Solo and Ensemble contest, and are encouraged to attend the TMEA All-Region Band tryout.
Concert Winds
Director: T.J. Peterman
The Concert Winds is the program's fourth performing concert band, and consists of the sub non-varsity (B) wind and percussion musicians in the Cypress Woods HS Band. The group is composed of students from all grade levels. The Concert Winds meets in the fall and spring semesters and performs at the Winter Concert, Pre-UIL Contest, UIL Contest, and Spring Concert. The ensemble performs standard works of wind literature. Membership into the Concert Winds is determined by audition in the fall and spring semesters through execution of region music, excerpts, mastery of fundamental exercises, etc. All members of the Concert Winds are required to participate in the Solo and Ensemble contest, and are encouraged to attend the TMEA All-Region Band tryout.